Box of Lions Mane
Fresh from our growing room to your door. Lions Mane is a powerful medicinal mushroom. It has anti inflammatory, immune boosting and neurological enhancing qualities. This mushroom has been used for centuries in Eastern medicine. The flavor is mildly sweet, a texture like crab or lobster, an excellent opportunity gourmet mushroom.
Fresh from our growing room to your door. Lions Mane is a powerful medicinal mushroom. It has anti inflammatory, immune boosting and neurological enhancing qualities. This mushroom has been used for centuries in Eastern medicine. The flavor is mildly sweet, a texture like crab or lobster, an excellent opportunity gourmet mushroom.
Fresh from our growing room to your door. Lions Mane is a powerful medicinal mushroom. It has anti inflammatory, immune boosting and neurological enhancing qualities. This mushroom has been used for centuries in Eastern medicine. The flavor is mildly sweet, a texture like crab or lobster, an excellent opportunity gourmet mushroom.
16 ounce box of fresh lions mane.